Expresso Livre - Milestone 46
Última revisão: 2346ec74e4795abc26f7b804d8567f47c0dab75e
70 tarefas (70 fechadas — 0 aberta)
Última revisão: 2346ec74e4795abc26f7b804d8567f47c0dab75e
70 tarefas (70 fechadas — 0 aberta)
Realizar em produção...Realizar em produção...
/* Server Signature Expresso */ $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['server']['generate_signature'] = '';
/* This is used to control mcrypt's use */ $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['server']['mcrypt_enabled'] = {ENABLE_MCRYPT}; /* Set this to 'old' for versions < 2.4, otherwise the exact mcrypt version you use. */ $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['server']['versions']['mcrypt'] = '{MCRYPT_VERSION}'; /* ** This is a random string used as the initialization vector for mcrypt ** feel free to change it when setting up eGrouWare on a clean database, ** but you must not change it after that point! ** It should be around 30 bytes in length. */ $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['server']['mcrypt_iv'] = '{MCRYPT_IV}';
/* ** This option forces login to be accepted only from /login.php ** Other attempts to login from outside Expresso will be blocked ** ** Whatch out: turn captcha = 1 when use_token_login = 1 */ $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['server']['use_token_login'] = {USE_TOKEN_LOGIN};
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